Employee Exit Information & Checklist

Leaving UNH? Review the below information

Checklist for Employee Responsibilities

  • Your final payments will be issued in the same manner as previous payments.  
  • Please review your permanent/postal mailing address in Workday and update if necessary. The permanent/postal address is where any necessary communications will be mailed to, including Form W-2.  You will continue to have access to WISE through October of the tax year following your employment end date. 
    Your W-2 is accessible electronically through WISE. For help logging in, please contact the IT Help Desk at 603-862-2525. To obtain a hard copy via mail, please submit a ticket here: http://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/60/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=621.
  • Turn in your UNH Photo ID card to Human Resources
  • Return library books to the Library
  • Return PCard to the department
  • Return keys, computers, electronic devices and office equipment to the department
  • Return UNH Parking Permit to the department
  • Contact Accounts Payable if you have outstanding travel advances/vouchers.
  • If you have been issued a personal authorization code to make personal long distance calls, contact Telecommunications to cancel your personal telephone authorization code;  email: telecom@xsdvoip.com.
  • Parking Services will be notified of your termination date. If you have questions in this regard, please contact Parking Services at 862-1010.
  • Remove all business-related emails from personal phone

Written Notice and Exit Interview

For Staff Employees Only

If you have additional questions, please contact Human Resources: (603) 862-2525 (voice), (603) 862-3227 (TTY).

Medical/Dental and Voluntary Vision Insurance

Medical, dental and voluntary vision coverage continues until the end of the month in which employment ends. 

NOTE: Job end dates for those employees with Academic Year (AY) appointments are effective on the final day of the Academic year.  This will impact the end date of benefit coverage, please refer to USNH Policy for details regarding the end date of benefit coverage.  

Information regarding your rights to coverage continuation under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) will be mailed to your address of record.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

Please refer to USNH Policy

Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

You will continue to have access to your HSA balance following your employment end date. Your account will transition to an individual account and a new debit card will be issued. Any account fees that had previously been paid by USNH will become your responsibility, you will be responsible for a monthly fee, as well as a debit card issuance fee. If you establish coverage under a different employer plan that also features an HSA, you can request that your HSA balances be rolled over into the newly-established HSA.

Life Insurance

During the 31 days following your termination of employment, you will be sent information to the address on record regarding conversion of your group term life insurance policy.  The Accidental Death and Dismemberment features of your policy cannot be converted. 


Long-Term - Long-Term Disability insurance coverage ceases as of your last day of employment.  
Short-Term - Short-Term Disability insurance coverage ceases as of your last day of employment. 


If you were enrolled in the retirement plan, you have the option to have your vested account balance remain in the plan or take a distribution or rollover at any time after termination.  Questions concerning withdrawal of funds or retirement income should be directed to the vendor in which you have a USNH account, Fidelity Investments and/or TIAA.

Fidelity Investments Customer Service - (800) 343-0860

TIAA Customer Service - (800) 842-2776

Note:  Contributions made on a tax deferred basis, which you withdraw, will be considered taxable income in the year they are received and, if you are younger than 59 1/2 years of age, the amount will be subject to a tax penalty.

Operating Staff Retirement Program

Staff who were enrolled in the Operating Staff (OS) Retirement Program may receive their benefit beginning at age 62. Contact the USNH Benefits Office: 862-0930.

USNH Tuition Benefit

If employment termination occurs during a semester, you are responsible for payment of a pro-rated tuition charge from the final date of employment to the end of the semester if you, your spouse and/or dependent are utilizing the tuition benefits.

Personal Time or Earned Time

When you retire or terminate employment from the University under normal conditions, staff (OS, PAT, EE, PA, AA) will be paid the balance of accrued personal time up to a 30 day maximum.  In addition,  any non-exempt staff (OS) with a frozen Earned Time balance shall be paid for their unused Earned Time balances. Payment for allowable time will be made on the pay date following the pay date of your final paycheck provided timely notification of employment termination is received. Per USNH policy, unused Sick Time is not payable upon termination of employment.

WISE Access

Former employees can access WISE after employment has terminated until October 31st of the year after your last year of employment. EXAMPLE:  Your last day of employment was June 30, 2020, then you can access WISE through October 31, 2021.

IT Accounts

IT Account information
For UNH Staff, all computer accounts associated with the individual leaving the University are disabled on the termination date.
For UNH Faculty, all computer accounts associated with the individual leaving the University are disabled 270 days after the termination date. 
For UNH Adjunct Faculty, all computer accounts are disabled 120 days after the end of their most recent job.

M365 Accounts

Faculty / Staff do NOT keep their UNH M365 Accounts.  Move any personal files in your M365 Account to an external account prior to your last day.  Update any ownership or access to UNH data in M365 to other members of your department.  Review these IT KB Instructions.

Unemployment Compensation

Employees who are involuntarily terminated may be eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits. To facilitate the process of applying for unemployment compensation benefits, please designate your employer's mailing address as the USNH Benefits Office, 5 Chenell Drive, Suite 301, Concord, NH 03301.

Local offices

  • Employment Security 
    2000 LaFayette Road 
    Portsmouth, NH  03801-5673 
    (603) 436-3702
  • Employment Security 
    6 Marsh Brook Drive
    Somersworth, NH  03878 
    (603) 742-3600